Pizza Fundraiser

Little Caesars Pizza Kits will be delivered in time to enjoy on Halloween night!
By popular demand we are kicking off a Little Caesars Pizza Kit fundraiser with a delivery date prior to Halloween! Your co-workers, neighbors and family will enjoy purchasing a quality meal they can cook up right at home with their own favorite toppings! Plan ahead and have plenty of Pizza Kits on hand for your children’s sleepovers, play dates or birthday parties. Stock your freezer with the Personal Pizza Kits (9 – 6” pizzas in this kit), they make perfect dinners and snacks on busy practice and game nights! If the Pizza Kits thaw once you can refreeze them for up to 3 months.
How: Collect payment at the time you take orders. Cheques need to be made payable to Guthrie School Parent Council. Please fill out the top portion of your order form with your name and contact phone number, as well as your child’s name and teacher’s name.
Order Your Pizza Kits On Line:
Go to (Make sure you are on the Canadian website.) Click on products and then shop. Support our fundraiser by providing our Fundraiser ID# 394406 and pay with credit card. Your pizza kits will be delivered the same day as our order!
When:Day 1 Oct 2021 Sale start date.
Day 14 Oct 2021Final day for ONLINE Orders.
Day 15 Oct 2021 Final day for paper order form and payment.
Be sure your order form is correctly tallied!
Double check all rows and columns.
Late orders will NOT be accepted
Day 28 Oct 2021Pizza Pickup at Guthrie – More info to follow.
Where:Pickup will be curb side pickup outside of Guthrie School. More info will be sent home closer to the pickup date.
We will not be responsible for any kits remaining after 5:00pm on 28 Oct 20, as we do not have storage space for them. Please make arrangements with Kelly Thompson at ks-thompson@hotmail.comif you feel you will be later than 5:00pm.
Questions:Please feel free to call the school